Good afternoon everyone hope you are having a better past few weeks then we have had.  2 weeks ago the flu hit us bad in the house even my grandson got it, then last week snowstorm & very cold temperatures.

Yesterday I took CJ to the ER he had been up since 1am complian about his stomach.  He threw up a few times and couldn't eat anything.  Thought he had a stomach flu going around.  Nope he has 2 huge stones in his gallbladder, to big for them to break up.  It's infected but, not enough for emergency surgery.  They are worried they can be lodged between his gallbladder and intestines if we don't remove his gallbladder.  Which will make things worse then they are now.

On Friday his gallbladder will be removed it was a decision between me and his surgeon due to all the medicine he takes which is the cause of the big stones.

Well I have to change his diet to bland foods for month and steamed vegetables.  Really have to change his eating habits after the surgery.  He loves rice and love vegetables.  I found a rice/steamer on Amazon that I could really use while we change his eating habits.  

If you want to send him Get well cards, please do he would love them.

Thank you for reading my wish and please keep us in your prayers om Friday.


Type : Need

Wisher : Sandyc41271

Added : Feb 26, 2025 - 12:31

Wish is for : Child

Country : United States

City : Oklahoma City

State : Oklahoma

Category : Cards

Views : 67

Comments : 0

Favorite : 1


krissyo  (Accepted) (Received)
8 days ago

Let me know where to send the rice cooker and I'll order it from Amazon.

Momof3ladies43  (Accepted) (Received)
10 days ago

I would love to send a card. Please send name and address.

drewmom  (Accepted) (Received)
10 days ago

Love to send a card.

Aphrodite7400  (Accepted) (Received)
11 days ago

I would love to send him a card

MamasBabiesx5  (Accepted) (Received)
14 days ago

I can send a card if you'd like! Please include the type of card I'm sending in your response so I don't forget! Lol

I would love to send a card!

sunsetbayus  (Accepted) (Received)
14 days ago

I would like to send a card

daisygirl  (Accepted) (Received)
15 days ago

please send address

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