Everything going on in my life i forgot to post sooner. So doing both boys in 1 post. Their birthday are just a few days apart. Looking for cards or a gift which ever you can do they will be happy with.
Ryan is turning 4. He is obsessed with SUPER KITTIES.
This is something I wanted to get him, but can't.
LeapFrog Touch & Learn Dinosaur Book Baby and Toddler Toyshttps://www.walmart.com/ip/5296781473?sid=d8831325-adff-4417-b2d3-c056347a050a
He loves these kind of books
Jaxon is turning 6. He loves him some Paw Patrol.
He asked for a baby doll. And I am completely ok with that, but again I just can't right now. Here is something I know he would like.
Magic Nursery: 8" Stroll N Scoot Set - Hearts, Pink, Teal, Purple - Baby Doll, Stroller, Walker, Accessories, New Adventures, Toddler & Kids Ages 2+ https://www.walmart.com/ip/7021416356?sid=318805c4-48c5-4a68-a98a-4219324f0e97.
Thank you all who take the time just to read.
Type : Want
Wisher : Elizabethdanyell
Added : Mar 5, 2025 - 23:28
Wish is for : Child
Country : United States
City : Pawnee
State : Oklahoma
Category : Birthday
Views : 60
Comments : 0
Favorite : 1
I would love to send cards!
Please let me know where to send the two items listed and I will order them.
I would love to send each boy a birthday card!
I would be happy to send cards!
i would love to send cars to both of your kids.
Would love to send your boy cards for thier birthdays.
Would love to send cards and stickers