YESINDEED WISHES is completely free to its users, allowing everyone who registers the opportunity to make up to 3 WISHES per month. Because YESINDEED WISHES is designed to help everyone, WISHES can be big or small, elaborate or simple, based on financial need or just asking for a simple favor. We are a non-profit without funding, if possible click the donate button and donate to help us grant more WISHES. If everyone donates at least $1 we could help so many people when we pool all funds together. You can donate any amount.
Wishes Granted
Total Heroes
Help change someone's life with your donation of any amount. Look through our WISHES, make a difference today!
Make a Wish
Venmo: @yesindeedlive
Zelle: 281-886-6509
Or simply click the Donate button below.
In advance we thank you for your donation of any amount.
DONATE NOWBecome a Volunteer
Spread the awareness of helping people to know that we are all here to help where and when we can. Volunteer to be an admin for our Facebook Group, or an Admin for our Facebook Page, Tik Tok, Instagram or an An Admin to help us manage this website and so much more.
Volunteer nowBe a Hero
YESINDEED WISHES is completely free to its users, allowing everyone who registers the opportunity to make up to 3 wishes per month. Because YESINDEED WISHES is designed to help everyone, WISHES can be big or small, elaborate or simple, based on financial need or just asking for a simple favor.
Here are some examples of wishes granted:
- A man who buys uniforms for his town’s little league team.
- A plastic surgeon who brings his skill to the aid of an uninsured breast cancer survivor.
- A national appliance retailer that donates a refrigerator to a single mom with a newborn.
- A groundskeeper at Yankee stadium who helps a woman fulfill her father’s lifelong dream of throwing a single pitch across home plate.
- A group of 8th graders that rally behind a fellow student whose home was lost in a fire.
- A woman who writes to a man in Seattle to say, “I think I’m the sister you’ve been looking for since we were separated 21 years ago.”
- A female soldier stationed in Iraq who says, “yes, I will.”
- A woman on a fixed income who makes cards at home and sends to kids.
Once a WISH is granted, the hero can choose to remain anonymous or be formally recognized on the YESINDEED WISHES website. We look forward to you being our newest hero.