Happy Sunday!


First, I wanna say thank you for allowing me to be a part of this. I look forward to receiving and granting. 

my current wish is for a little help with funds for my child's therapy. 
unfortunately my insurance doesn't cover the cost and out of pocket is $80 a session. 

He just returned home after being a way for over a year. 
last year, I gave up my career and job that I had for 13 years to be a SAHM and support my children in all aspects. With that, finances are running short. 

he is required to attend therapy every week, and I am struggling to keep up with that 

if any of you could find it in your hearts to help support me and my kiddo, I will be both forever grateful and indebted to you.


have a blessed sunday ????

Type : Need

Wisher : devand339

Added : Jul 7, 2024 - 11:55

Wish is for : Child

Country : United States

City : Cedar Park

State : Texas

Category : Financial

Views : 194

Comments : 3

Favorite : 0


Comments & Responses

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28 days ago

Hope you get the help you need!

28 days ago

Hello, Glad you joined us. It would help if you got your green star. It's easy, just login to your dashboard and click KYC. Welcome to YESINDEED

31 days ago

Hello, please ask.the counseling place if they have a sliding scale for low income. So the cost would be lower. And ask if they know what can help with the cost. . Or check.out getting his own medicaid to help with the cost. My daughter did for Austin. So you should be able to get it. Please check it out with socail services