Hello All,

 Thank you for lookinng at my wish. 

I am inn need of this colored Epson Echo Tank Printer to print pictures and colored  worksheets. The prinnnter will help my Multilingual (ELL) and Language Arts students to be able to be as descritive when describing scenes, scenerios and other aspects of the worksheets. This will help my students grow and be able to achieve the goals they set forthem selves. y multilingual students take a test in January where they have to be decriptive of pictu

res and scenes to demonstrate their learning of English. 

Thank you for considering my wish and any help is appreciated. 

the cost of the printer in $340

The printer is at Costco, Staple, and on amazon. 

I do want the Ecotank all in one printer where you load the paper on the bottom of the prinnter in a tray and where yo can scan in papers. 



Type : Need

Wisher : sgriego

Added : Jul 7, 2024 - 15:53

Wish is for : School

Country : United States

City : Colorado Springs

State : Colorado

Category : Education

Views : 467

Comments : 1

Favorite : 0


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28 days ago

Hope your wish gets granted!