My 15yr old son was diagnosed with high functional ADHD, low spectrum of Austium, severe social anxiety, depression, insomnia, sensitivity disorder and DMDD. Most of that was diagnosed at 8yrs old and at 11yrs old was diagnosed with DMDD while in the mental hospital.
This summer I have been teaching him responsibility and how to save money. See I am 53yrs old with many health problems of my own. He been mowing yards this summer for every 2 lawns he mows and gets paid, he mows either a single mom's yard or elderly for free. While mowing his grandma lawn last week the lawnmower quit. He even used $60 of his money saved for school clothes and shoes to have someone look at it. It's gone, doesn't work anymore. I myself have been trying all weekend to see if I can fix it.
He is so upset and feels bad he is letting everyone down that he has helped this summer. He had to cancel 4 of his regulars this week 2 being paid mows and 2 being single mom's he has mowed all summer. We found one at Lowes for $349 and his grandma said if we can come up with the money she will let him use her tax exempt card so he doesn't have to pay taxes. So far he has gotten $27 from a fee of my friends to help. So you can just send a dollar and it would help towards him getting his lawnmower.
I have paypal cashapp, venmo and chime.
Thank you
Sandy & CJ
Type : Need
Wisher : Sandyc41271
Added : Jul 9, 2024 - 05:52
Wish is for : Child
Country : United States
City : Del City
State : Oklahoma
Category : Financial
Views : 345
Comments : 4
Favorite : 0
Thank you
Hope your wish gets granted!
Here are my cash app & venmo if anyone wants to help. $Sandy041971 cashapp @Sandy041971 Venmo Paypal
Thank you sorry been busy with doctor appts the past few days. Plus, our AC went out on Friday. My PayPal is
While I am unable to fund his full amount as I am on a fixed income myself, I would like to PayPal you a few dollars towards his goal.