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I am a mom to four boys and money is tight. I spend all my money on bills and my boys. I recently had a accident that has lefted me paralyzed.( I can provide proof to verify my wish). Now that I am pretty much immobile I don't have anything to really pass time. I would love to learn how to do make up and my nails. But I have no supplies as there has never been enough money to go around and bills and the boys needs where and more important.

If anyone has any unopened supplies they don't use , I am not picky and would appreciate anything. I have nothing to start with so I will need all the basics, foundation, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner , lipstick etc.

To give an idea of colors, anything that will look good on a Caucasian, with blonde hair blue eyes.


Thank you for reading my wish.

Type : Want

Wisher : Whitehouse07

Added : Jul 10, 2024 - 08:58

Wish is for : Self

Country : United States

City : Oklahoma City

State : Oklahoma

Category : Miscellaneous

Views : 281

Comments : 1

Favorite : 0


LadyFee  (Accepted) (Received)
246 days ago

I would love to send something....either the press on nails or make up. I hope you know you are beautiful.

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231 days ago
