Hello wonderful heros!

Our 20th anniversary is July 18th. I wish for anniversary mail of any kind.

We would love to go out to dinner or a movie since its been forever but i know its kinda pricey. Any amout or gift cards to go towards it or just cards would be great! We apprecite anything!

Thank you!

Type : Want

Wisher : JoyJoy

Added : Jul 13, 2024 - 19:09

Wish is for : Self

Country : United States

City : Saint Petersburg

State : Florida

Category : Wishes from the heart

Views : 329

Comments : 2

Favorite : 2


sunsetbayus  (Accepted) (Received)
39 days ago

I know it late but I would like to send card.

I would love to send a card

LadyFee  (Accepted) (Received)
46 days ago

How did I miss this. It's late but...I'd love to send

Momof3reds  (Accepted) (Received)
57 days ago

I'll send something for your anniversary :)

Michelle  (Accepted) (Received)
64 days ago

I would like to send you a $10 digital gift card to Chilli's to put towards your dinner. I will need your email address

Comments & Responses

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64 days ago

Michelle no I don't

64 days ago

Do you have Zelle?