Dear Everyone,

I'm reaching out because I'm facing a difficult financial situation right now. and along with the emotional toll, it's put a significant strain on our income. Im currently do not have any water you guys if you guys can help me I need $480 that's includes a new Deposit because they closed my Account so I have to open another account. My old bill is $380 plus a $160 Deposit. Im a mom just having a hard time financially. Please help us thank you! (I have the bill as Well) I would love to get my water back on soon

Type : Need

Wisher : Truebeauty39

Added : Jul 14, 2024 - 18:05

Wish is for : Self

Country : United States

City : Corsicana

State : Texas

Category : Financial

Views : 198

Comments : 2

Favorite : 1


Comments & Responses

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28 days ago

Hope your wish gets granted!

48 days ago

Please send proof to so I can mark your wish as verified.