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To say this has been a trying year would be an understatement. I fell the end of January and broke my neck. I came out of the first surgery completely paralyzed from the neck down. I had an emergency second surgery and regained some function but not much. I still require full assistance for daily living and need 24hr care.

 I was in the hospital for an extended stay, then was transferred to a nursing home. I am now home with home health. While I was in the hospital my husband lost his job. He is now getting paid to be my PCA but it doesn't pay much and is only 12 hours a week. He is now the only driver in the house. So between my appointments and needing 24 hr care he is unable to work outside the home at the moment.

I usually use our taxes to buy school clothes and supplies.This year it all went towards needed medical equipment. My boys are on meds that make them gain weight and they have outgrown everything. With their clothing needs and supplies it is financing overwhelming as I am barely keeping rent and utilities paid.

I am attaching a small Amazon wishlist of the calculators the school requires and the backpacks the boys asked for( but any will do these are just their wants). I am just gonna include the rest of the supply list below as most of theses items are cheaper elsewhere. I have one in middle school and two in high school.

Clothing for the boys is our biggest need but any help at all big or small will be very greatly appreciated.We will galdly accept gently used clothes or backpacks.

middle school list

basic four function calculator 

1- 2" 3 ring binder 

2- pk loose leaf paper

1- pencil pouch


1- 3 prong plastic folder

1- composition book

1 pk of colored pencils 

1 pk of markers

1 2pk of glue sticks

2 pk #2 pencils 

1 pink eraser


high school list

1- 2" 3 ring binder

2 pk loose leaf wide paper

1- Texas Instruments scientific calculator Ti-30xs " multi view"

7 single subject spiral notebooks

7- 3 prong plastic folders with pockets

1- composition notebook

1- pk black pens

2 single red pens

1 pk markers (thin)

1 pk colored pencils 

1 pk highlighters

1 pink eraser

1 2pk glue sticks


pencil pouch


Boy #1 sizes

mens lg tshirts

mens lg shorts, sweats or elastic pants

mens xl boxer briefs

mens size 8 shoe


Boy #2 sizes

mens lg shirts

mens medium shorts, sweats or elastic waist pants

mens lg boxer briefs

mens 8.5 shoe


Boy #3 sizes

mens xl shirts

mens lg or xl shorts, sweats and elastic waist pants

mens xl boxers

mens 9.5 shoe


We live in a small town that doesn't offer back to school help with supplies. I tried contacting surrounding towns but you have to live in their district and provide proof of residence.

A individual does offer a clothing giveaway from donated clothes locally . But it is first come first serve and mainly offer grade school sizes. I did donated the boys outgrown clothes to this cause.



*** I can provide a dr note verifying my condition if requested, I tried uploading it and it wouldn't load even with several attempts


Type : Need

Wisher : Whitehouse07

Added : Jul 16, 2024 - 08:10

Wish is for : Child

Country : United States

City : Okemah

State : Oklahoma

Category : Education

Views : 251

Comments : 6

Favorite : 0


Michelle  (Accepted) (Received)
238 days ago

I can order some of the school supplies. Once accepted and ordered, I will list what was purchased in comments so other heroes will know what's left.

krissyo  (Accepted) (Received)
241 days ago

Backpacks & calculators are purchased I hope your kids have a great school year!

Comments & Responses

1000 characters remaining


206 days ago

Hope they have a great school year!

208 days ago

Gift wish list has been updated, top link not working please use link in comments, thank you for viewing my wish.

209 days ago

None of these items are listed on your wish link: Update as of August 1st Still need school clothes and the following supplies 5 pks loose leaf paper wide 3 rulers 15 3 prong plastic folders 14 single subject notebooks 2 pks high lighters 3 pks #2 pencils

226 days ago

Update as of August 1st Still need school clothes and the following supplies 5 pks loose leaf paper wide 3 rulers 15 3 prong plastic folders 14 single subject notebooks 2 pks high lighters 3 pks #2 pencils

237 days ago

Technical difficulties wouldn't let me send items from. Walmart, so a $10 gift card will arrive tomorrow... that's just over the cost of the items I was trying to send.

240 days ago

https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/1FN92PLGHM423 I added a wishlist of the pants the boys like, definitely not required. But the only place I have found these ones is on Amazon. I just wanted to put this on here incase it would make it easier on a hero. Some items are listed twice because they are two different sizes and two boys wear the same size . These don't have to be new just a idea of the style they like.