Wish Granted By :


Hello heros!

Thank you for looking at my wish. 

I am a 12th grade English and 9-12th grade ELL teacher that works in a Title 1 School. 3/4 of students in poverty. I am in a new classroom and 12th grade is  a new grade for me. 

I teach 6 classes a day and have 150 students. Low socioeconomic area where families worry about putting food on the table.

The deserve to have the items they need to reach their potential. Any help is appreciated

Thank you for your support



Type : Need

Wisher : sgriego

Added : Jul 17, 2024 - 09:23

Wish is for : School

Country : United States

City : Colorado Springs

State : Colorado

Category : Education

Views : 172

Comments : 1

Favorite : 0


I would like to offer you $25 Amazon gift card to get some items for your classroom/ students

krissyo  (Accepted) (Received)
59 days ago

I'd like to buy you something from your wishlist. As a fellow teacher, I know how much we put into our rooms.

Comments & Responses

1000 characters remaining


52 days ago

Also have a wishlist at Walmart https://www.walmart.com/lists/shared/WL/7dbfff22-ac10-4557-a52d-889803e62be5