I recently made a wish to take my kids camping but the way life is going that's not gonna happen.  I'm jabbing a hard time catching up on bills rent and everyday life at this point.  I'm struggling with some medical stuff that kind of put me in the hole from not working for a bit.  I do have plenty of jobs in not one to not work but playing catchup is not easy and my wish is going to be for some prayers and if anyone could help with food I'd forever be grateful.  I like aldi cause it's cheap and ihave 5 kids. Bread milk water noodles anything at this point. And i have also been going to pantry. Thank you so much. I have cashapp and venmo if needed, but I'd much rather a store gift card so you all know I'm spending it on food for my little ones. Thank you all so much.

Type : Need

Wisher : Tabby5847

Added : Jul 19, 2024 - 02:26

Wish is for : Family

Country : United States

City : Berkeley

State : New Jersey

Category : Financial

Views : 153

Comments : 3

Favorite : 0


Comments & Responses

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104 days ago

Hope your wish gets granted!

105 days ago

Hello, Glad you joined us. It would help if you got your green star. It's easy, just login to your dashboard and click KYC. Welcome to YESINDEED

137 days ago

Please get verified and how much do you need to have this wish granted?