I hope that I'm doing this correctly!!

We're a homeschooling family and we're headed into our 8th year as such. I have emerging 10th, 7th, and 2nd grade daughters that have worn out most of their stuff. Their desks have fallen apart. They no longer have chairs. Their headsets don't work. Etc...lol

It's been a rough year, but here we are, still fighting the good fight.

I've made an Amazon wishlist and any help at all would be super appreciated by myself and my girls. God bless!!

Type : Need

Wisher : luckyyou112

Added : Jul 19, 2024 - 11:54

Wish is for : Child

Country : United States

City : Oklahoma City

State : Oklahoma

Category : Education

Views : 184

Comments : 1

Favorite : 0


krissyo  (Accepted) (Received)
57 days ago

I would like to order a few things from your list.

Momof3reds  (Accepted) (Received)
57 days ago

I'll buy a pack of the pens for them.

Michelle  (Accepted) (Received)
58 days ago

I can order a pack of the pens on your wishlist

Comments & Responses

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25 days ago

Hope they have a great school year!