I am in need of 3 boy backpacks and school supplies for them and my Daughter.
Daughter 3rd gade
Son 2nd grade, kindergarten, and headstart
I am very greatful for anything. Godbless
Type : Want
Wisher : Elizabethdanyell
Added : Jul 19, 2024 - 18:46
Wish is for : Child
Country : United States
City : Pawnee
State : Oklahoma
Category : Education
Views : 160
Comments : 4
Favorite : 1
I can order some school supplies
@KRISSYO Yes it would thank you. I will show pics in group of what we get
Would a Walmart gift card help?
We no longer need backpacks crayons, or washable markes. We have those thanks to a wonderful lady here and location i found intown for backpacks. What is still needed is alot. The easiest way to find what else is needed is walmart you can look up school supplies list by zipcode. We will be very greatful for anything. The school zip is 74058 It shows what they need and how much the item is. The school allows substitute if the exact thing isn't available needs to be the color requested though. My highschooler is requesting a trapperkeeper. So he can keep multiple subjects in 1 spot. 11th grade, 3rd, 2nd, kindergarten. Again thank you. I just made a comment with the information i recieved from the school today instead of making a new request.
What else is needed..can you list items and cost please?
Please send me your email and I will send a gift card over to purchase supplies.