My beautiful daughter is turning 23 on August 31. She is autistic ànd works in a Emergency Room at a local hospital. I'm so very proud of her. She is wishing for birthday cards with a 1.00 in them so she can get a coffee of the mornings at work.

Type : Want

Wisher : NoahGranny

Added : Jul 26, 2024 - 12:08

Wish is for : Family

Country : United States

City : Knoxville

State : Tennessee

Category : Cards

Views : 296

Comments : 2

Favorite : 1


I would love you send her a card

I would love to send her a card. ????????

I will send a card.

I'd love to

Good afternoon, I would love to send your daughter a birthday card.

would love to send a card

I would love to send a card!

I will send a card with $ for coffee

I'd like to send her a card. Please let me know where she normally gets coffee (if a national chain).

Comments & Responses

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33 days ago

You accepted my offer 2 days ago but, I have no name or address to send the card to. Could you please message me with name and address. Thank you ??

41 days ago

Please message name and address when you accept offers