Hello, heroes. Hope you are doing well. My wish today is simple, nut a need for us. We just had to throw away several of our washcloths. Now we apparently need more. We only have 4 and they are not in good shape. So, my wish is for at least twelve washcloths because we have two bathrooms and a kitchen and we use them everyday. The 4 we have left are in sad shape. I added several sets to my list. Our kitchen is red, black and white. Our favorite colors are blue and purple. I also always appreciate handmade washcloths. We are not picky. Have a blessed day. In case it's needed, below is the link to my Amazon registry. Thanks for reading my wish.
Type : Need
Wisher : NeverGiveUp14
Added : Aug 2, 2024 - 12:33
Wish is for : Self
Country : United States
City : Fargo
State : North Dakota
Category : Object
Views : 198
Comments : 4
Favorite : 0
I will contact Amazon as my confirmation was for a 12pk.
Amazon only sent the 4 pack. We appreciate them. They are VERY nice.
Thank you, Michelle!
Per our conversation, I ordered the 12pk in place of the 4pk
I would like to get you started with the 4pk of red and white ones on your list