We are in need of bath towels and wash cloths. My son and I live on a fixed income. Thank you. 

Type : Need

Wisher : Loddy

Added : Aug 3, 2024 - 01:47

Wish is for : Family

Country : United States

City : Dalton

State : Georgia

Category : Healthcare

Views : 123

Comments : 3

Favorite : 1


I have a gray set of towels I can order for you from walmart using a gift card. Sorry about the lack of choice. If that's acceptable, please send along your address when you accept.

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29 days ago

Make sure to accept any offers and reply to any comments to help get your wish granted!

29 days ago

Hello, Glad you joined us. It would help if you got your green star. It's easy, just login to your dashboard and click KYC. Welcome to YESINDEED

46 days ago

Are you able to make an Amazon wishlist with a few?