I am diabetic and my heels are getting very bad pressure sores on them. I honestly do not want to lose my feet because I know the outcome of that. I will have to go to a nursing home forever due to my weight it would be to much on my kids. So I really need these booties.
Type : Need
Wisher : NoahGranny
Added : Aug 4, 2024 - 11:26
Wish is for : Self
Country : United States
City : Knoxville
State : Tennessee
Category : Healthcare
Views : 162
Comments : 1
Favorite : 0
Can you please send me your info again? I’m sorry it’s taken so long. I got pretty sick again and just got released home yesterday. I have the heal protectors here for you and will make sure someone mails them for me before the weekend is over.
I have a pair they recently tried on me. Used 2 nights. MS spasms make them fall right off. Would love to send these to you if you want them. Either way I’m sending prayers. I’m bedridden with MS and also diabetic so I understand completely.