My husbands been out of work since the middle of December and unemployment ran out in July. He's been driving Uber to make some money, and they only pay once a week and he's needing gas in his car every 3/4 days. Can't do this without your car. I'm disabled and I do not work. We appreciate any help that is given.
Type : Need
Wisher : Jenn4789
Added : Aug 9, 2024 - 05:39
Wish is for : Family
Country : United States
City : Crown Point
State : Indiana
Category : Cards
Views : 164
Comments : 5
Favorite : 0
I truly hope you find gas hero's.
We do UberEats and know how it just eats up the gas! Hope your wish gets granted!
Hello, Glad you joined us. It would help if you got your green star. It's easy, just login to your dashboard and click KYC. Welcome to YESINDEED
I hope a gas hero finds you!
Please state how much your wish is for so we know how to help. Please click on KYC in your back office and get your green star.