Wish Granted By :


Hello all, school begins on Monday for all 3 of my children and I will be attending class as well at a local college. I'm completely depleted of funds getting everything prepared for us. It would be a true blessing if someone could send 10 dollars so that I can get back and fourth to class.

Type : Want

Wisher : Monie87

Added : Aug 16, 2024 - 16:59

Wish is for : Self

Country : United States

City : Springfield

State : Illinois

Category : Financial

Views : 40

Comments : 1

Favorite : 0


Michelle  (Accepted) (Received)
32 days ago

I can send you the other $7 needed to grant your wish in full to get your bus pass. Let me know best way to send

drewmom  (Accepted) (Received)
32 days ago

I can send $3 if you like, I'm a cash app or venmo

Comments & Responses

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28 days ago

Woohoo! Glad your wish was granted!