Wish Granted By :


My husband has been working really hard lately being my full time care giver and taking care of the kids. I was unable to do anything for our anniversary or his birthday so I would like to throw him a belated birthday party. His ultimate wish would be to  meet the Kansas City Chiefs football team or to attend a game. He would also would like anything Kansas City Chiefs related including old tickets , programs trinkets etc. This wallet is also on his list


Here is his amazon wish list: https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/14T7UE58J0LPF

Thank you for taking the time to read my wish

Type : Want

Wisher : Whitehouse07

Added : Aug 19, 2024 - 13:20

Wish is for : Someone Else

Country : United States

City : Oklahoma City

State : Oklahoma

Category : Miscellaneous

Views : 147

Comments : 3

Favorite : 0


Michelle  (Accepted) (Received)
198 days ago

I would like to send a KC item not on his list

krissyo  (Accepted) (Received)
203 days ago

I can't get him to a game, but I'd like to buy him something off his list.

Comments & Responses

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206 days ago

Hope he will eventually be able to go to a game! Happy belated birthday to him!

206 days ago

Hopes your wish gets granted.

206 days ago

Hope your husband gets to go to a game. Football games are fun when you are there in person. Been to many college footbal games. Probably not the same as the NFL. Hope your wish gets granted.