Hi! This is for my son Joey. He will be a sophomore this year, Syracuse University and he moves back to college on Saturday. He has most of the items from last year but his new dorm has a different set up, he needs items this year that weren't necessary last year. Hooks and bins will be useful. Also plug in, to help keep his room fresh. Socks, shampoo and deodorant are mostly used up from last year. And Jelly beans just for a surprise treat. I made him a wishlist with these items.
We would love to have the final few items to complete his list. Thanks so much for reading. We appreciate you and are so thankful!
Type : Want
Wisher : Aphrodite7400
Added : Aug 20, 2024 - 11:03
Wish is for : Family
Country : United States
City : Middletown
State : New York
Category : Object
Views : 171
Comments : 5
Favorite : 0
I'd like to purchase a couple items left on his list
I'd love to buy a few things for his college list. Good luck this year!
Wishing Joey a successful year at school.
Hopes Joey has a great year in college.
Hope he has a great school year!
Joey have a fantastic year in college this year. Hope your wish is granted.
As a college Professor i believe in education...strongly, i would like to offer the last 2 items on the list...so -----YESINDEED