I have had a rough time the past month or so I'm down on my luck here. I had an accident and I. Tore my rotator cuff in my left shoulder. Also tore a tendon attached to the front of your shoulder. I tore my bicep Tendon. and I tore my meniscus in my right knee I had surgery for my left shoulder and hlarm and bicep. Anf Have to go get fluid frained that has collecyed in my shoulder now as well And I'm unable to use my left arm for anything for the minimum of 12 weeks. But I did find that I can do diamond painting. So I have a wish for any of arynon my wishlist to  keep me busy while I can't do anything else. I'm going in for a second surgery on my shoulder again in about 3 weeks and then about 4 weeks after that, I'll have knee surgery would love for more than 1 granter. To maybe get me. Few 

Type : Want

Wisher : MamaK2002

Added : Aug 23, 2024 - 13:43

Wish is for : Self

Country : United States

City : Brookings

State : South Dakota

Category : Miscellaneous

Views : 127

Comments : 3

Favorite : 0


krissyo  (Accepted) (Received)
25 days ago

I'd like to order a few off your list.

JoyJoy  (Accepted) (Received)
25 days ago

I would love to get you one!

drewmom  (Accepted) (Received)
26 days ago

I will buy one off the list.

Michelle  (Accepted) (Received)
26 days ago

I'll buy you one kit off your list

Comments & Responses

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25 days ago

You accepted my offer, but forgot to send name and address...please message me so I can get this ordered asap

25 days ago

Sending healing prayers!

26 days ago

Ty so much Michelle