Hello heros!

Thank you for looking at my wish. 

I would love these life savers hard candy please.  Cost is $11.17. I a trying hard not to eat alot of chocolates when at work and have found if I have hard candy it helps.

I am open to other types of hard candies as well 

Thank you for taking the time to look at my wish. 



Type : Want

Wisher : sgriego

Added : Aug 23, 2024 - 20:25

Wish is for : Self

Country : United States

City : Colorado Springs

State : Colorado

Category : Wishes from the heart

Views : 137

Comments : 2

Favorite : 1


I'll send you a bag of my favorites if you like them too...Werther's Original Hard Candy

I will send you some lifesavers

I am offering $3 towards this wish from my giveaway win.

Comments & Responses

1000 characters remaining


20 days ago

Hope your wish gets granted!

20 days ago

Hope you find a hard candy hero!!!!