I've had a rough last few months.  I could definitely use some happy mail.  My daughter went to college,  my son isn't staying with me right now., i havent been paid on several jobs and im going through a divorce process right now. 

Type : Want

Wisher : Stefini_d

Added : Aug 27, 2024 - 19:31

Wish is for : Self

Country : United States

City : Sevierville

State : Tennessee

Category : Miscellaneous

Views : 125

Comments : 1

Favorite : 4


Would love to send you some happy mail

Would love to send something one of my kids have drawn.

I would love to send something

I would like to send a card.

I'd love to send some happy mail!

I'll send a card

I would love to send card. Please let me know the address.

krissyo  (Accepted) (Received)
13 days ago

Please let me know where to send happy mail.

I would love to send a card.

I'd love to send happy mail

Aphrodite7400  (Accepted) (Received)
18 days ago

If a card is OK, please send me your address

I would love to send some happy mail!

I can send some happy mail

I'll be happy to send some mail.

Michelle  (Accepted) (Received)
19 days ago

I will send you some happy mail

Whitehouse07   (Accepted) (Received)
19 days ago

I would love to send you some happy mail.

Comments & Responses

1000 characters remaining


19 days ago

Sending prayers!