Wish Granted By :


Hello hero's I'm making a simple wish for home air freshener please I'm not mobile at the moment and don't have funds after all the bills but that will ease up now that the temperature is dropping no more 500 electric bills it's crazy here in Arizona with temps but I just want to make my home smell good and not like doggy or kitty I appreciate you reading and hope you have a wonderful day.

Type : Want

Wisher : Jbabygrl27

Added : Sep 1, 2024 - 19:16

Wish is for : Self

Country : United States

City : Phoenix

State : Arizona

Category : Miscellaneous

Views : 76

Comments : 6

Favorite : 0


Your friends at Yesindeed Facebook Group would love to purchase the remaining 2 for you.

I would love to order you one!

Comments & Responses

1000 characters remaining


11 days ago

Thanks everyone

12 days ago

I hope you get a smell good home hero!

12 days ago

Glad the heat is getting better for you! It's crazy!

13 days ago

Hope your wish gets granted. If you lived closer I would bring some to you. I bought some for .75 this weekend at Dollar General during there clearance sale.

13 days ago


13 days ago

Please post a link so a hero may find you.