Wish Granted By :


My neices and nephews love to read! They are 9, 10 and 11. This wish is simple--BOOKS! I made a rather lengthy Amazon list of some that I enjoyed and others that were reccomended. The oldest boy just read Lois Lowry's book, The Giver, and LOVED it, so I added the other 3 in that quartet and some of Lois's other books to the list, and I'm sure he would love them. Another couple I thought they's Like would be Dragonwings and From the Mixed Uo Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankwiler and Dragonwings. None of my neices and nephews will refuse to read any book you give them, so if any of you lovely heros want to send a book or two that you choose, that's quite fine. All of them seem to lean towards history, adventue abd science books. The oldest wants to be a pilot, while the middle one wants to be an astronomer. The youngest and oldest are also artistic, while the middle one likes sports. Anyway, if any of you lovely heroes send a book or two, they'd be so excited. Thanks for reading and thanks in advance. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/20FIZYVGGXF84?ref_=wl_share

Type : Want

Wisher : NeverGiveUp14

Added : Sep 4, 2024 - 14:08

Wish is for : Child

Country : United States

City : Fargo

State : North Dakota

Category : Object

Views : 179

Comments : 5

Favorite : 1


I'd like to buy a few of mine and my students' favorites from your list.

Comments & Responses

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169 days ago

Used are fine, thanks.

169 days ago

Would ur kids mind used books from my kids? Mine are all grown but I still have a bit of their books left and my grands don't like to read as much... I would love to send to u if it's ok...

169 days ago

That's wonderful that they love to read!

171 days ago

Thank you, Drewmom. They will be so excited for anything they get.

171 days ago

Wishing them many book heroes.