My son is 11 and in fifth grade he's 163 pounds andv4'11 so he's a big boy. Yesterday he came home crying kids being mean call him fat. Girls laughing and the boys picking with him. He stayed in his room all night crying and I had to do my best to cheer him up and make him feel confident. Please any happy mail or gift to make him feel loved is appreciated. He loves Legos the color blue, snacks, Roblox anything u would like to send even a card. Thank u so much ???? 

Type : Need

Wisher : Chelly89

Added : Sep 20, 2024 - 12:15

Wish is for : Child

Country : United States

City : Baton Rouge

State : Louisiana

Category : Wishes from the heart

Views : 60

Comments : 1

Favorite : 1


I can send a card and stickers and words of encouragement

I would like to send him a card.


I would love to. Please message me the info including your Facebook name and the message

I would love to send him a card

JoyJoy  (Accepted) (Received)
21 days ago

I would love to send a card!

I'd like to send him something. I'm a former 5th grade teacher so I know how tough that grade can be.

Michelle  (Accepted) (Received)
21 days ago

I'll send him a card with some stickers

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4 days ago

I sent mine but forgot photo. It's been a bit of time over a week for sure. Please let me know if arrived