We are short on food this month. We are out of almost everything but condiments. We could use help with meats, drinks, sides ect. Gift card or delivery order would be excellent. There aare three of us me two adults and one child.
Type : Need
Wisher : purplefairyfl
Added : Sep 25, 2024 - 08:22
Wish is for : Family
Country : United States
City : Old Town
State : Maine
Category : Financial
Views : 161
Comments : 4
Favorite : 0
Would help if you got your green star for kyc verification. So you can get help more.
i was hopping for 40-50 to get us through until we get help on the 11th i applied for food stamps and wont have an answer until the 11th
How much is this wish for?
we really could use the help still we just got some ground beef i am making last a few days by making some chili with it but its not going to last too long our food pantry dosent have food my son can have he has a nut and shellfish allergy
I can offer $5=cash app or venmo.