Good evening everyone hope you had a great Tuesday.
I have 6 medication I take daily. I have been out for over a week now. It's my blood pressure medication which I take 4 of them, blood thinners and another one 2 times a day for indigestion I get from 2 of my blood pressure medicine.
I had a stroke in 2019 and I really need my blood thinners and blood pressure medicine. It's hard to explain why I am still on blood thinners it has something to do with my heart that blood clots come out and go through out my body. Between that and my extremely high blood pressure is why I had a major stroke in 2019. I have been trying to stay calm the past week so my blood pressure doesn't go up.
I have tried to sale something and nobody wants to buy it. All 6 medication cost $25 at Walmart.
I have paypal, venmo, and cashapp. Please if anyone can help I would be so grateful.
Thank you for reading my wish.
Type : Need
Wisher : Sandyc41271
Added : Oct 15, 2024 - 14:36
Wish is for : Self
Country : United States
City : Oklahoma City
State : Oklahoma
Category : Financial
Views : 129
Comments : 0
Favorite : 0
I can offer $2 towards this.
Please let me know your Venmo and I'll send over the other $23.