My daughter, Madison, is turning 15 on Halloween (10/31). I would love for her to receive birthday cards/mail/surprises! She has been having a really tough time. She had her gallbladder removed about a month ago. She has been really self-conscious about her weight as well. She is homeschooled, too, so she doesn't have a ton of friends. She's quite shy! I created an Amazon wishlist if anyone wanted to order from there, otherwise, she'd be happy with just a card or surprise mail! Thank you!
I can't get the Amazon wishlist link to post where it's supposed to be, so hopefully this is okay! I also have PayPal and CashApp if you want to send her a $1 or so :)
Type : Want
Wisher : MamasBabiesx5
Added : Oct 26, 2024 - 08:30
Wish is for : Child
Country : United States
City : Hurricane
State : West Virginia
Category : Cards
Views : 284
Comments : 0
Favorite : 2
I'd love to send her something.
I would like to send a card. ..
I will send a card
I will send a card!
of course
Would love to send a card
I'll send a card with something inside
I would love to send a card!
I can send something. Need address, please.
I would love to send her a birthday card
I would like to send a card.