I would love to get a few gifts for my kids. My daughter picked everything out except what i picked for my 17 yr old. Yes these toys are for kids younger than my daughter, but she gets so excited playing with them when we pass them in the store... so please help if u can. She doesn't expect them all. Would like 1 for each of the little boys at least and is completely content of sharing one of theirs. I put all of them on these list so you could decide which one you want to get. Thank you in advance i am very greatful.
Isabell 8
Jaxon 5
Type : Want
Wisher : Elizabethdanyell
Added : Nov 7, 2024 - 21:40
Wish is for : Child
Country : United States
City : Pawnee
State : Oklahoma
Category : Christmas
Views : 118
Comments : 1
Favorite : 0
I would like to buy one thing off your list.
Wishing you a Christmas hero. Make sure you check with the kid's school, local churches, etc.
I would like to buy something off the list