I am a single grandmother of 8 and adopted 3 of them. I am struggling beyond belief to the point of depression. I would love to have Santa bring a Gabby's Dollhouse for them to share. It hurts me that I can't afford to spend that amount on just one gift. Thank you and happy holidays.
Type : Want
Wisher : Hopelmcneill
Added : Nov 11, 2024 - 07:28
Wish is for : Child
Country : United States
City : Sunrise
State : Florida
Category : Christmas
Views : 191
Comments : 3
Favorite : 0
I can offer $14 on this wish. Funds will be sent to Yesindeed in hopes of collecting the amount needed for your wish.
I can offer $11 on this wish. Funds will be sent to Yesindeed in hopes of collecting the amount needed for your wish. Please provide link to the dollhouse in comments
Is this the exact dollhouse in the picture?
Hello, so happy you have joined us. Please take a minute to get verified and you will receive your green star. It's quick and easy, just login to your dashboard and click KYC. Welcome to YESINDEED where everyone has a wish and every wish deserves a hero.
Wishing you a Christmas hero. Please post a link so a potential hero may find you.
I'll cover the other funds needed (will send them to Yesindeed). Merry Christmas!