I am a single grandmother of 8 and adopted 3 of them. I am struggling beyond belief to the point of depression. I would love to have Santa bring a Gabby's Dollhouse for them to share. It hurts me that I can't afford to spend that amount on just one gift. Thank you and happy holidays.

Type : Want

Wisher : Hopelmcneill

Added : Nov 11, 2024 - 07:28

Wish is for : Child

Country : United States

City : Sunrise

State : Florida

Category : Christmas

Views : 191

Comments : 3

Favorite : 0


I'll cover the other funds needed (will send them to Yesindeed). Merry Christmas!

I can offer $14 on this wish. Funds will be sent to Yesindeed in hopes of collecting the amount needed for your wish.

I can offer $11 on this wish. Funds will be sent to Yesindeed in hopes of collecting the amount needed for your wish. Please provide link to the dollhouse in comments

Comments & Responses

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118 days ago

Is this the exact dollhouse in the picture?

123 days ago

Hello, so happy you have joined us. Please take a minute to get verified and you will receive your green star. It's quick and easy, just login to your dashboard and click KYC. Welcome to YESINDEED where everyone has a wish and every wish deserves a hero.

123 days ago

Wishing you a Christmas hero. Please post a link so a potential hero may find you.