We are a family of three. Me, my husband and our 16 yr old son Joey. This year we unfortunately have nothing at all for Christmas at all except for decorations we got from the community here. We do not even have winter clothes. This is all due to unseen circumstances that happened in the past few months. We were supposed to be moving from Maine to Ohio to be with family and to have better medical care for all of us (I have cardiomyopathy, Afib, lung disease and other health conditions, my son has severe asthma and is autistic, my husband has lupus) my husband's family is there. Unfortunately my husband's father has had one major heart attack and a few minor ones. He also had to have stents put in after a triple bypass. He just got out of the ICU in Cleveland hospital yesterday after another major heart operation. So unfortunately everything is on hold until February. Meanwhile the last time he was here in August we had him take all our winter clothes and Christmas items etc. back with him to ohio. Unfortunately it is way too expensive to send those boxes back. So we have nothing this winter. So for Christmas we are asking for warm clothes, maybe something for Joey. My husband is a size 3x and needs sweatpants. He also likes hoodies 3 or 4x. Joey is a 1xl in shirts and pants in men's he only wears sweats and t-shirts and myself leggins 2x are fine and sweatshirts 3x mens. Joey likes fortnight, he also likes soft fleece blankets and squishmallows. I am adding a Walmart wish list for ideas you do not have to buy from the list. Thank you for reading this.
Type : Want
Wisher : purplefairyfl
Added : Nov 18, 2024 - 14:16
Wish is for : Family
Country : United States
City : Old Town
State : Maine
Category : Christmas
Views : 123
Comments : 1
Favorite : 0
I noticed that a few things on our walmart list aren't showing up for some reason like the fortnite gc or the other sqishmallow i made a new list incase anyone else wants to help im very grateful for what we have already i just wanted to fix what i already had done thank you have a blessed day https://www.walmart.com/lists/shared/WL/a2e0d29d-8cbf-4073-87f7-0479dd1869ea
I'd like to order a few things from your list.