Wish Granted By :


Hello, everyone. Thank you for Reading my wish. I've had about a 6 month run of really bad health issues. Recently, and I have to have a third Shoulder surgery in just a few weeks. My  echo recently quit working my Alexa. And that's how I communicate with my kids. Wherever they are in the house or if they're not at home. I call with Alexa when I need help with something or something wrong. I also use it to listen to my lectures from school and music and podcast.  That keeps me busy when I can't do anything. I found a new echo on the Cyber Monday's deal on Amazon that I would really love to have. Cost is 17.99

Type : Want

Wisher : MamaK2002

Added : Nov 30, 2024 - 22:45

Wish is for : Self

Country : United States

City : Brookings

State : South Dakota

Category : Christmas

Views : 129

Comments : 0

Favorite : 0


I'll grant your wish as long as you expect before the price goes back up. Best of luck with your surgery and prayers for a speedy recovery.

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