Good evening hope everyone had a fantastic holidays.
My grandson turns 2 on February 7th. The picture I have posted is from when he was first born. He spent 53 days in the NICU and many more stays at the hospital his 1st year. He died less than an hour after he was born. He is a g tube baby, he was unable to swallow. The past 9 months he has been drinking out of a cup with a lid. His g tube won't be removed until he starts eating food in his mouth. He also has CP, he is surprise his therapist he started crawling about 2 months ago and really trying to walk, he loves standing. His Amazon wishlist has brain and a standing toy, his therapist said that would help him.
He is Nana's boy, my son says mom he says Nana over and over when you are not here. He waves bye bye when I come to get him or visit. Gets upset if I don't take him with me. Nana has taught him basic sign language. Please, more, Thank you, all done, milk, juice and bubbles. He loves istbisy spider and I will sing it over and over again as long as he say more please. He even does it with his hands when I sing it.
Have put his Amazon wishlist and if you can't get anything a card with either $2 bill or $2 one so we can give it to him when he gets older.
Thank you for reading my wish
Type : Need
Wisher : Sandyc41271
Added : Jan 6, 2025 - 18:13
Wish is for : Child
Country : United States
City : Oklahoma City
State : Oklahoma
Category : Birthday
Views : 73
Comments : 1
Favorite : 2
I would love to send a card with some stickers!
I will mail a birthday card with a surprise.
I’ll send a card with stickers
I would love to send a card with something.
I'd like to send a present from the wish list.
I have CP too and I love to color. Would he like a couple of colored pictures?
I'll send a card with $2
Sorry forgot to post the picture of my grandson on my wish. I do have picture on my Facebook if you love to see his growth from NICU to being almost 2. Just message me Thank you
I will send a card with 2 dollars