Three days ago, ABC aired the live action version of Beauty and the Beast. My husband and I loved it even more than we liked the 1991 animated one, which I also love. Several months ago, we had to throw the animated version away because it wore out and would not play at all. Now, we would really like to have both. That's our Valentine's Day wish, plus maybe the Pizza Hut Gift card so we can do pizza with the movies, but just the movies would be so great. It would make our Valentine's Day so awesome!! We would be so EXCITED! Thank you for reading my wish and have a blessed day!
Below is my Amazon wishlist link.
Type : Want
Wisher : NeverGiveUp14
Added : Jan 22, 2025 - 10:54
Wish is for : Self
Country : United States
City : Fargo
State : North Dakota
Category : Object
Views : 81
Comments : 0
Favorite : 0
DVD is on the way!