Hello everyone I would like to make a wish for stamps and cards to be able to grant card wishes. If anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading my wish. My job is a caregiver and my Mother n Law was my client and she unexpectedly passed away do to undiagnosed Pneumonia so I am currently waiting for another client to become available so at the current moment I have no income coming in, but I still would like to grant wishes if I possibly can.
Type : Need
Wisher : Momof3ladies43
Added : Feb 4, 2025 - 21:42
Wish is for : Self
Country : United States
City : Parkersburg
State : West Virginia
Category : Cards
Views : 279
Comments : 2
Favorite : 1
I will send 20 stamps and some cards
I'll send you some cards and stamps
Thank you.
I would send but I only have 2 stamps left. But I am hoping for stamps heros
I would like to send a card and something.