and the man that was driving was going way to fast like always and hit my blazer really hard. I hurt my back and ribs unfortunately I didn't think to file a police report until later that night and the cop decided it was to late. So there doing nothing. My bumper is in my tire I feel bad asking for help any amount will be appreciated. I know a license mechanic that can fix it For a lower cost the most but it's still gonna be probably be a good amount because I'm not sure what all damages is done. I do greatly appreciate your help thank you. 

Type : Need

Wisher : Marie88

Added : Feb 14, 2025 - 06:41

Wish is for : Self

Country : United States

City : west branch

State : Michigan

Category : Financial

Views : 70

Comments : 4

Favorite : 0


Comments & Responses

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6 days ago Here is a price of the clips from Amazon if anyone is able or willing to help

6 days ago

I know this is a wish page I’m not asking for a lot I understand everybody is watching there money right now. So am I I was expecting to be in a car accident. I can’t even pay my bills not I have this to be honest I don’t like asking for money but I have no choice I need help please and thank you I’d appreciate it . Please don’t read peoples negative comments thank you ???? I appreciate whoever can help me have a good day

7 days ago

Hello if anyone can help me with anything I would appreciate it . I’m not asking for a lot or even any certain amount anything will help. I appreciate your positive thoughts and if you can’t help I understand . Thank you everyone you considering helping

8 days ago

Sorry that it happened to you. You still need to file a police report. Call this morning and go to the station or have one come out and take a report. File a claim with your insurance.