When we moved at the end of December 2024, very unexpectedly, my oldest son (he doesn't live with us, he's 24) told my girls he would keep their XBOX One S and games for safe keeping until we could get in the new place, settled in, etc. Several weeks went by, and I repeatedly asked him to bring it by (we didn't have transportation to go to him about 1.5 hours away). Finally, he said he would. An hour later, he called and said his girlfriend slipped on ice while taking it to the vehicle, and broke it. He says he has misplaced the games as well. Now my son doesn't have the best track record. He has been known to lie, steal, and more. I'm raising his son because they aren't capable enough. But anyhow - neither have a job or will hold a job. My girls are out of an XBox One S and they are devastated. I can't afford to replace it myself. I have set up an Amazon wedding registry with the XBOX items on it, and have it set to where people can donate whatever amount they like towards the cost. I'm hoping at some point, I can replace these items. My girls are great, they truly deserve a little bit of fun in their lives.

Type : Want

Wisher : MamasBabiesx5

Added : Feb 28, 2025 - 19:35

Wish is for : Child

Country : United States

City : Scott Depot

State : West Virginia

Category : Object

Views : 116

Comments : 0

Favorite : 0


Whitehouse07   (Accepted) (Received)
3 days ago

I would like to contribute $5 towards this.

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