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Profile for: JustJessy

Member Since: August 2024

Bio: Transplanted to this beautiful island in 2012. Have one grown son lives on mainland but loves his momma as I adore him. My life has changed since my breast cancer dx but I am a survivor and fighter. My sweet dog rescued me years ago and we lead a simple life together. These are my thoughts: Wishes are sweet & necessary for a person to continue to grow, and dream? and TRUE HEROS are sometimes bold and courageous, sometimes humble and silent but always angels. I just have a simple wish: that is everyone who reads this to keep believing in yourself and hard as it may seem believe in others. Be kind. Share smiles. Truly the only true gift I own is always free to give and that is love. ??????????

I've been a Hero: 4 Times

Wishes I've Granted

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