Hello, heroes. I hope everyone is having a good day. We could use just a bit of help. My husband and I live off of a fixed income and we had 2 "extra," surprise bills this month that had to be paid immediately and totalled just under $100. That happened four days ago. The extra bills left us a bit short for the phone bill. I had to put it on a payment plan and I need $20 by the 22nd. I already paid the $10  we had towards it. I have Paypal, but we only have flip phones, so I have no apps. We cannot afford smartphones. Sorry. If any of you wonderful people can find it in your hearts to help, we would really appreciate it. 

Type : Need

Wisher : NeverGiveUp14

Added : Sep 14, 2024 - 11:57

Wish is for : Self

Country : United States

City : Fargo

State : North Dakota

Category : Object

Views : 120

Comments : 4

Favorite : 0


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4 days ago

My paypal is hurricanegirl01@aol.com

4 days ago

You're welcome

4 days ago

Thanks, Sandy, They at least allowed me to set up a payment plan, but I don't even have the $20.

4 days ago

Fingers crossed you find a hero for your wish