For five years, my husband's bad teeth have been going from bad to worse. We have medicaid, but none of the local dentists take it. The one place that does isn't taking patients. His teeth are now effecting the rest f his health. I have a letter from his doctor saying that, and stilll Medicaid wants him to yank out all his teeth and get dentures because it's "easier" than fixing them. I have even appealed their recomendation, but they still won't pay. I am now out of appeals. His doctor, another doctor and three dentists have all said dentures are a bad idea for him because he has a severe overbite that was never fixed and a mishapen jaw because of domestic abuse, so he would break any dentures in a few months. So, where we're at now is our local dental school can do a deep cleaning, treat his enflamed gums, flouride treatment, scaling, root planning, basic exam and xrays for $245. Having called every dentist in Fargo, Bismark and Hawley, I can say that any other dentist charges betweem $800 and $900 for all of that. I have $70 of the $245. We live on a fixed income. His appointments are scheduled for January 23rd, 24th, 27th and Febuary 10th. His doctor recomended the deep cleaning as a way to improve his health. I would greatly appreciate any help with the cost of these appointments. Every dollar is needed and helps. I can send verification of all this, too. Thanks for reading! Have a blessed day!

Type : Need

Wisher : NeverGiveUp14

Added : Dec 13, 2024 - 09:32

Wish is for : Self

Country : United States

City : Fargo

State : North Dakota

Category : Financial

Views : 256

Comments : 4

Favorite : 0


Comments & Responses

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44 days ago

Thank you, JustJessy, and Merry Christmas!

44 days ago

I can maybe help In January hun. Hugz

53 days ago

I am doing what I can.

53 days ago

Since the appointments are still a month away, do you guys have time to do a side hustle or 2? Are you able to put more money towards with your Jan and Feb checks?